Hello there!
Nearly a month in and I am still getting used to this new webpage software!
Anyways this month has begun mainly with my concentrating on Histomania as regards content.
Sadly things have not quite gone to plan - Joe left a few days earlier than expected for his Summer break back home in Suffolk when his University in Cambridge Course reached end of term. This has resulted in quite a lot of work not being completed as we had expected by the end of April.
On the plus side I welcome Damon [left] who has taken over from Joe and is also part of Act4ward. Damon is a great actor to have on board and he is very welcome.
Oli is also due back here this week actually for some more work on Histomania
Another new actor to here is joining in May and more about him when he settles in!
Quite a lot more happening in the background and with the weather getting better for location shooting I hope to really start moving things forward.
So not much to be seen yet - but thats quite normal at this point in any work like this.
I am in no hurry to build the website - rather build the files of content for later.