So here we are in April [ok late March as I write this] and thankfully the weather is Spring like too.
Soon my window I look out of here we be a sea of green as the leaves return on the apple tree and the birds sit on the branches looking in.
England in Spring is a wonderful place!
Anyways what of project plans?
Well April is when things hopefully begin to happen - more work with Joe and Oli working on both Act4ward and Histomania illustration.
Casting is about to start for a few new faces - not many as space and time is limited - but if anyone wants to put themselves forward now is the time []
There has during the winter been a general increase in period related props and new equipment for sound and vision. For example an extended green screen area - set of long range "radio mikes" for sound and a brand new Sony Camcorder for much of the video work.
As with every new project I don't intend to over plan it at this stage - but drama will play and important part in it's structure.
This is exciting as it has been too long away from this aspect of my work within the project.
So not to much to report yet but things do look promising here and Spring weather now means we can film in outside locations again - the first being a reshoot of The Long Distance Runner updated and maybe a couple of location shoots at the old church so often seen in my work previously.
Wishing you all a wonderful Spring - soon be Summer!!
Take care
William David